Tampa Prep’s Highlights for Black History Month
Every year in February, Tampa Prep, as well as the rest of the United States, celebrates Black History Month. But this year, student leaders of Culture Shock and BSU are cooking up something special. From assemblies to informative activities, students will have the opportunity to learn more about this important season of history.
Culture Shock and BSU are both advised by World History teacher, Enaye Englenton. Englenton insisted that her students take the lead. As a result, students have taken charge and prepared a huge lineup for Black History Month this year. By acknowledging the importance of diversity and Black History specifically, Englenton and her students have organized ways to amplify black voices, emphasizing the importance of Black achievement rather than trauma.
“I really leave it up to them to do all the planning. They wanted to center it not around the negative narrative of black history, but to celebrate black achievement,” said Engleton.
Using this objective, Culture Shock member, Maelle Munnings, intertwined art and Black History figures. Many students pass the bulletin board daily. Munnings saw this as an opportunity to showcase important Black History figures, events, and actions. The bulletin is now completely decorated with African textiles and informative graphics of important people and events in Black History. Most importantly, the bulletin board displays important marches and figures that have been eclipsed by other important, but heavily publicized figures. Instead of only highlighting figures like Martin Luther King or Rosa Parks, Munnings highlighted lesser known, but just as important figures like Phillis Wheatley and her poetry.
“We wanted to shed light on figures in Black History that aren’t as recognized or known but are just as important in making change, specifically women,” said Munnings.
Culture Shock leader and BSU member, Eva Pierce, has been one of the leaders of all the Black History events planned this month. By working together with other student leaders, Pierce has come up with some ways that Tampa Prep can be immersed in Black History lessons. Pierce, being a leader in Culture Shock, gave a presentation on various African-Americans who were talented in several fields. Furthermore, she is curating a video with other BSU members which will highlight what Black History means to them, as well as working with Englenton to potentially get Black alumni to speak. Her excitement continues to show through her efforts.
“My goal for all of these events is to further educate the Tampa Prep community on Black history and excellence. I am excited to dive deeper into African- American history and learn new things I didn’t know before,” said Pierce.
Tampa Prep’s festivities for this month are clearly very informative and exciting. It’s one thing for Tampa Prep to celebrate Black History Month, but it’s great to see Black leaders at the school stepping up to spread Black culture, history, and excellence throughout the school. While leaders in Culture Shock continue the month’s activities, it’s important to note that Black history is not reserved just for the month of February! Follow the leaders’ initiative and continue to research hidden figures in the Black community, celebrate black culture and excellence, and inform yourself on important issues throughout the whole year!