No matter what grade level you are in, as a student at Tampa Preparatory School, you must participate in arguably the most anticipated and feared tradition at this school: declamations. Although most students finished presenting their speeches last week, those who moved on from their class have the option to present in front of their grade this Friday, February 17.
Despite the anxiety that presenting a declamation is known to create, it is undoubtedly thrilling to be chosen to move on from your English class to present in front of your whole grade. Senior Liana Nassri is experiencing this excitement firsthand, as she moved on from her class with her declamation entitled “Chaos.”
“Of course, I’m very excited,” Nassri said. “I am so grateful to have moved on! It’s nerve-wracking, but I can’t wait for Friday.”
Other students are relieved that they did not move on. Although sophomore Ellie Colihan was enthusiastic about her declamation on the pay gap between genders within sports, her enthusiasm did not extend to the presentation aspect of declamations.
“I have a stuttering problem and I get scared to speak in front of my class,” Colihan said. “I was worried I’d forget something. It makes me so nervous.”
Although some students may look forward to the end of declamation season, it is both an excellent opportunity to practice public speaking and a wonderful privilege to get to hear so many speeches on such a wide variety of topics.