This Friday, Tampa Prep will host a rock and roll concert to showcase the hard work and dedication of Gilad Ben-Zvi’s seventh-period rock band class. The students have been rehearsing for weeks in preparation for their big performance.
“The pressure of performing on stage has become less over time,” said senior Cole Messer. “Just being able to practice your song, the easier it becomes.”
Cole and his fellow band members have spent the last two weeks practicing daily during class and in their free time. Their commitment reflects their desire to deliver an unforgettable show for the Tampa Prep community.
When asked how he got into playing the guitar, Cole credited both his family and friends. “It was a mix of both my dad and my friends. Both John and Henry are on the rowing team and in rock band, and I thought it was pretty cool,” he said.
The camaraderie among the band members has created a supportive, family-like atmosphere that helps ease any performance jitters.
Connecting with the audience is another priority for the band. Senior John McGovern shared his approach to engaging the crowd.
“I try to make eye contact with the audience members even though I can’t see them due to the bright lights in my eyes,” he said. “I also just try to make it fun and entertaining.”
The band’s passion for music is evident in their lively performances, and they’re eager to share that energy with the audience.
“We’re ready to put on a great show,” Cole said.