Tampa Prep Returns to Old Schedule

Tampa Prep Returns to Old Schedule

  Tampa Prep is returning to its old, more standard class schedule after a full year of a special block schedule. Students will go from having three, hour and a half classes and one 45 minute class a day, to having six, fifty-five minute classes.

  During the 2020-2021 school year, Tampa Prep implemented a special block system to facilitate the hybrid schedule and have fewer students in each class. Many did not think it was a very effective way to learn.

   “I kinda liked it, kinda didn’t,” said Grady Schmidt, a Sophomore who had joined the school for the 2020-2021 school year, “There was more work per class and for the at-home days, I was kinda unmotivated.” 

   The plan was always to return back to the regular, six-period-a-day schedule when the spread of COVID-19 was deemed less of a threat.

   “We have learned more about the virus and how to manage school,” said Christine Jisha, Upper School Academic Dean.

     Some members of the Tampa Prep community feel as though the 2020-2021 schedule may have been more effective.

     “I think you can achieve more work, students have less classes so they can focus more,” said Spanish teacher Alfredo Pereira, referring to the old schedule, “Less classes, less students, I think we can be more productive that way.”

     Despite some concerns, the Tampa Prep community is excited to get back to more of a sense of regularity and the positive aspects of having more classes.

    “I’m a creature of habit, so I’m glad we are back to the regular schedule,” said Jisha, “People are happy to be back to normalcy.”