Netflix’s Bandersnatch: The Wrong Choice


via Twitter @ActuallyNPH

Netflix’s new interactive episodes are taking the world by storm. Recently the streaming service has been doing a series of interactive shows and movies in which you choose your own destiny. The most recent being ‘Bandersnatch’ which is an addition to the Emmy award winning show Black Mirror.

Black Mirror is a show based on suspense and paranoia creating a stressful journey for the viewer. The most recent addition of Bandersnatch is the longest episode in Black Mirror history. Set in the 80’s, the only episode of the season follows a boy named Stefan Butler who creates an interactive game based on his favorite book, Bandersnatch. He becomes obsessed with the idea of finishing it, while also dealing with the realization that his decisions are not his own. Stefan starts to go through various thoughts and actions that come off as absolutely insane or obsessive.

Fans reactions to this edition have been mixed, some calling it a work of art while others call it a let down.  

I personally was not enthused by this new feature of Black Mirror, being a fan of this show for quite some time I felt let down, having high expectations, only to get a splitting migraine and waste my time. ‘Bandersnatch’ was unenthusiastic and disappointing, making me wish for a better outcome. Normally when on a Black Mirror binge you can sit back and be bewitched by the allure of the show, instead you’re plagued with the responsibility of making decisions for Stefan. The fact that you are sent back to the beginning of the episode when making the wrong choice is quite unappealing and at times frustrating. Hopefully the creators of the series have a more engaging season up their sleeves.

Rating: 2 / 5 stars